Sunday, August 22, 2010

What's for Lunch?

So I read the school breakfast and lunch menu aloud to Darren and we have pretty much agreed that there's no way Tyson will be eating either. We did go ahead and put $20.00 on his "meal plan", but we definitely think that that $20.00 dollars will last him the entire year, if not well into his 1st grade year.

I didn't realize that putting your child in school definitely is more work than keeping him home. Packing a lunch will be no easy task. I put way too much thought into what to pack. I don't want to pack junk food, but all the kids eat junk food. Will he swap his healthy food with a friend's junk food? Will he sneak and buy something junky and throw away my healthy stuff? I don't want to pack things that will make him have to go to the bathroom. He's very private about pooping. LOL! Aren't we all? I don't want him to starve. I don't want him to over eat. AHHHHHH!

Tyson eats lunch at 10:35 am. Can you believe that? That's the middle of the morning for most people. I am responsible for packing a lunch and a snack. I am not certain when the snack will be eaten, but we were told to pack the snack in a separate bag so that it's not eaten during lunch.
So what's for lunch?

1. Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich cut into dinosaur shapes
2. Blackberries
3. A Banana with a personalized note written on the peel
4. 1/4 Cup of Cheez-It Crackers
5. (1) Cookie topped with frosting & sprinkles
6. Water in a Star Wars thermos.

What's for snack?

1. 1/4 Cup of Cashews

2. A Clif Kids Z Bar (Protein Bar) - Flavor - Honey Graham

3. Organic Elmo Fruit Punch Juice Box
This week, I am allowing all of my rules regarding complex carbs, fruit juice, and sugar to go out the window although I really don't think what I packed for him is that horrible. I want to be fair and allow Tyson to be a kid once in a while, but I fully agree that lunch can be enjoyed without stuffing his face with mounds of empty calories.

Tyson was, however, instructed to eat all of his sandwich and all of his fruit before touching his cookie or cheez-it crackers. Who knows if that will happen or not! I guess he's not in my total control anymore. Something to get used to.


Darren said...

by week two you will just be throwing something into a lunch box.

Suzanne P said...

Love this post and Darren's comment! This is a fun new chapter in Ty's, as well as your, book of life. Ty will probably make be like most kids and just want a peanut butter sandwich and bag of grapes every day of the week, so it's great that you're willing to change up the shapes - you are such a thoughtful Mom!