Sunday, August 8, 2010

Kindergarten Preparation!

On July, 26th, Tyson had is 5-year-old check up with Dr. Delaney. I had been preparing Tyson for his last set of shots, well until he reaches age 11. He was in full anticipation and oddly enough he didn't seem to be nervous.

At this age, no real "stats" to report on other than
weight: 48 pounds
height: 44 inches

While waiting in the patient room, Tyson politely reminded me that "Dr. Delaney is going to feel my penis like he did the last time." Oh boys! Gotta love them.

Dr. Delay and Tyson had a bit of a man to man talk. You can tell in the picture to the left that Ty was really in tune. While Dr. Delaney examined him "down there", Ty said, "See I told you Dr. Delaney was going to do this!" I was bit embarrassed, but Dr. Delaney replied, "Yeah... for some reason, they never forget this part!"
Shot time:

As you can see clearly from the picture, Tyson's old infantile tricks came out. He thought if he hid under the examining table and put his hands over his eyes the nurse wouldn't be able to find him. LOL! NOT!!!
He took all 3 shots like a man. No tears before or during. There was a 20 second delay after the very last shot and "WHAAAAAH!" The tears came a-rolling. He was rewarded with stickers and a pencil. That always helps.

Afterwards, I took him to Toys R Us. That was my bribe to get him to not cry during shots. He was allowed to pick out one toy. It was quite the task being our
toys r us has just been newly renovated. It's beautiful inside too.

We were also there to shop for Kindergarten school supplies. It's tr
uly mind boggling to me that kindergarten is just around the corner.

I wanted Tyson to be involved in the school supply shopping process. It was so hard letting him make the choices. You know me... I love everything to match and be just so and that's not typical of a 5 year old boy. They want the loudest, tackiest, redneckish, most obn
oxious stuff.

The kindergarten school supply list wasn't very detailed.
1. Crayons
2. A pencil box
3. A box of tissues
4. A box of freezer zipblock bags
5. A nap mat
6. (2) packs of glue sticks
7. (1) pack of #2 pencils
8. Kid friendly scissors
9. (2) Folders with pockets & prongs
We were able to get most everything at Toys R US but also had to make a trip to Wal-mart and Target.

Finally, Tyson was allowed to choose what book bag and what lunch box he wanted, but mommy had the say in where it came from. I couldn't resist the adorable collection Pottery Barn Kids has.
In two weeks, we have Kaitlyn reserved to watch the twins (possibly over night) so we can take him to Short Pump to shop for school clothing and shoes. We also hope to take him to Kings Dominion for a little pre-kindergaten celebration.


The Harris Family said...

OMG! I almost got Cohen that bookbag!! But I decided to get the all red one instead. We love PBK :)

Samantha said...

Hysterical! Colin has the Darth Vader lunch box and backpack from PBK!