Saturday, December 27, 2008
Ty's Top Favorite Christmas Presents!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Happy Birthday Jesus!
Getting Clever Before the Christmas Gifts Arrive!
Monday, December 15, 2008
The First Christmas Present Has Arrived...From Gram!!!!
Gram has been sending so many little trinkets in the mail that now when the mailman comes he expects to see something from her everyday. It's ashame Gram doesn't live closer because I know that she would love spending her spare time with him!
Friday, December 5, 2008
The Elf on the Shelf - A Christmas Tradition
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Gingerbread House Fun!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A Visit With Santa Claus
Children... they add so much humor to your life!!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas Decorating Has Begun....
We purchased Tyson a 4-foot tree, with colored lights, for his room, and he had a blast from opening the box, to assembling the tree, to fluffing the tree, and finally to decorating it. Tyson also set up his Mickey Mouse Porcelain Snow Village that Poppy and Cee Cee bought him for his second year of Christmas. He always enjoys making his room look festive.
Afer assembling our BIG tree, in our living room, Ty insisted on sitting next to it while eating lunch. He is a true lover of the Christmas Holidays. We are focusing most of our Christmas celebrations, this year, on the TRUE meaning of Christmas - the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ - but DEFINITELY want him to be able to enjoy ALL of the traditions we enjoyed as children.
Be on the look out for a few other posts this week.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Halloween Celebrations Keep On Coming and Coming!
"Oops" Gets Fixed & Accessorized!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Epperly Elite Gymnastics
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Fall Is Here...
Fall is such a fantastic time of year! I hope everyone is finding some great ways to get out and make some fall family memories together. If you've never been to this pumpkin patch and are local, I highly recommend it.
A Visit from "Butterscotch"!
Each class day, Tyson has "circle time" where he and his classmates say the Pledge of Allegiance, count out the day, observe the weather, learn the days of the week, say a prayer, listen to a Bible story, and determine who the helper for the day is.
Of course, every student looks forward to snack time, which is always Ty's favorite time of the day, I am sure. Before snack, Ms. Becky takes this opportunity to teach them the proper way to wash their hands, take car of their trash and use proper table manners. Most importantly, they learn a memory verse and say their blessing.
Other class time activities include the learning centers, music time, Chapel, and group sharing time. Group sharing time is also another one of Ty's favorite. This is when he and his classmates gather together to have "show and tell".
The Yellow Bears have a special mascot named Butterscotch. He has become a part of Ty's life. He goes home with a different child each week and is returned on Tuesdays. Tyson received him last Thursday. Tyson is responsible for taking good care of Butterscotch. At the end of the weekend we (Ty and I) are responsible for filling in a notebook to record all the things that we did during Butterscotch's visit. At the end of the school year, we will get a copy of ALL of Butterscotch's adventures as a keepsake. Attached is a picture of Butterscotch buckled up in the car. For the most part, we took him everywhere and we always put safety first.
The last night Butterscotch spent the night, Tyson was really sad. I don't think he realized how much he loved him until it was time for him to leave. They always say, "You never realize what you've got until it's gone!" And in this case, for Tyson, it certainly was true.
A Little Football Fun!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
My Little "Stinker" Has an Explosion!
On Mondays, I attend a woman's Bible study at my Church. Tyson goes to the child watch. Becca, another mother who also attends, invited us all over to her house afterwards to have lunch and to let the children play.
After lunch, she sent the kiddies upstairs (keeping in mind there were approximately (5) 3 year olds and (1) 2 year old. After about 45 minutes or so, I started thinking to myself, "I wonder if the kids are okay! They either have fabulous toys or they are up to no good!" Being none of the other mommies seemed concerned, I let it be. I let another 15 minutes go by and still no PEEP out of their mouths. As I got ready to say, "I'm going to go check on the kids", a small voice from Sydney (the 3 year old who lives at the house) yells out, "Uh-oh mommy, come see what Tyson did. He pooped in the bathtub!" For the love of Pete, of all the children up there, why did my son have to be the cause of the silence being broken. And did she say, "Tyson pooped in the bathtub"?
Mortified (this was my first time to Becca's home and boy is it a gorgeous one), I bolted upstairs. I found Tyson laying, fully clothed on the bedroom floor with his arm over his eyes. I believe he was either embarrassed or afraid he was going to get in trouble. I bent down and said, "Ty-ty what's wrong?" He refused to speak. I picked him up, brought him to the bathroom and got down at his level. I said, "Honey, you are not in trouble, but you have to tell me what happened!" It was then that I realized, no he doesn't. The SMELL speaks for itself. I fearfully got up, opened the shower curtain, and found the culprit for the stench. Here's where the story gets FUNNY, YET STINKY.
What did I see, you ask? Well, I saw poop smeared all over the bathtub and it's walls. Then, I looked a little further and noticed a perfectly white, nautical-themed towel containing the "log" or broken log (of poop that is and this explains the smeared poop). And finally, at a small glance, I notice in the corner of the tub, was a pair of saturated, white girl panties. Needless to say, the mess was cleaned immediately. Becca was so lax. I think this would have thrown me over the deep end. Especially after seeing my hand towel destroyed.
On the way home, I said to Ty, "So tell mommy what happened." He said in his sweet little voice, "Well, I had to go poopie, but Piper had to go pee pee. So since Piper was on the toilet, I didn't have anywhere to go poopie. I got into the bathtub and pooped in there." I said, "Well why did you use the towel to wipe your hiney? Was it because there was no toilet paper left?" (There really wasn't). He exclaims, "No. Sydney saw the poopie and didn't like it in there, so she tried to clean it up!"
Lesson to be learned - Don't leave (5) 3 year olds alone for too long. It's sweet that all of them tried to help clean up and figure the situation out for themselves, but it was definitely something they shouldn't have been touching.
On the way out of Becca's house, Judie (another mommy) said, "Can I have a wipe? Nicholas has poop on the back of his sock!" I can laugh about this story now, but at the time, I thought I would die. Just another story for the wedding day! :)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
It's Hokie Game Day!
A quick tailgate before the game filled with pizza and fruit punch!
Grandad, Ty, and Daddy head towards the football stadium!
Mommy getting some snuggles during half time!
The Half-Time Show, Pic, Compliments of Ty
Ty's First Day of PRESCHOOL!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
TY Gets His First Manicure!!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Unintentional HUMOR!
- After Ty pooped one day, I said, "Woah, how does all that poopie come out of such a little body?" As serious as he could be, he replied, "It comes from the poopie machine in my belly!"
- On a recent drive home, I said, "Ty, where does daddy work?" He replied, "Bolling Steel!" I said, "Why does he work there?" And he responded, "He works there cause he has to make lots of money so we can go to the beach a lot of times!"
- One Wednesday night, I yelled down to the basement, "Come on Ty, it's time to go to Church!" As grown up as could be he says, "Okay Mom! See ya later dad. Sorry, I have to go!" You had to be there for this one. It was hilarious and sad all at the same time because he sounded so grown up.
- I have been teaching Ty about upper case and lower case letters. Tonight, I tested his knowledge and said, "Hey Ty, what is a BIG letter called?" He said, "Upper Case!" I was so proud. Then I said, "What is a small letter called?" He said, "A downer case!" (As he pointed to the ground. TOO FUNNY!! Makes sense, right?
Summer Blast!
"YEEHAW!" I am sure you northerners are just laughing your butts off right now. There is a lot more to do in Roanoke than to ride a tractor and a garbage truck. I PROMISE.
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely. ~Auguste Rodin
This is a stinky job, but someone's got to do it!
West Salem Baptist Church Picnic
Passing the time on a LONG car ride to Pennsylvania.
Baltimore Hip Hop Dancers Dance on the Sidewalk
A Few Cool Clips from Our Baltimore Disaster
Daddy and Ty shoot a few hoops together! I think we have a basketball player on our hands. What do you think?
This was Tyson's FIRST time bowling on a real lane. Well, if you can call ESPN Zone's bowling real. He's quite the athlete. Loves anything to do with sports.
A Few Cool Clips from Our Baltimore Disaster
Daddy and Ty do a little "rowing".
Daddy and Ty play a little soccer!
Daddy and Ty ride a Harley Davidson Motorcycle.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Clips of the Adventures at Myrtle Waves!
If "seeing is believing" then these video clips will do the trick! Above is Tyson's very FIRST experience with a grown-up water slide. We are so amazed at how brave he really is! Enjoy viewing Ty as he rides down the "Riptide Rockets!"
This is a clip of Tyson and Darren riding the "racing river!" Watch how fast it goes. Ty really enjoyed this river a lot.
My explanation of this clip is in the actual clip and should do the explaining as to what's taking place here, but I just have to reiterate this quote, "Growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional!" Thank goodness Daddy is not a bump on a log and is always willing to join in on the fun. As it looks, Daddy was having more fun in the "saturation station" aka kiddie zone, than all of the children combined.
Tyson and Daddy decided to ride seperately on these water slides ~ "thunderbolts". Who wins the race? Well, Daddy does of course. As he says, "Ty, there's one thing you will learn about daddy, I don't loose!"
This slide is the only slide I force Ty to wear a life jacket on. It's name is not "super chute" for no reason. The slide is a 20-foot enclosed tube, with a 4 foot vertical drop into 8 feet of water. This is the slide he wanted to ride "adain" and "adain!"
Saturday, July 19, 2008
As Cute as Tigers!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Help Ty WIN!!!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Monkeying Around on a Friday Night!
Some Interesting Facts about Winkie:
- Winkie is 42 years old.
- Winkie absolutely loves Hardees hamburgers, Taco Bell tacos with extra cheese and no lettuce, and a scrambled egg sandwhich on lightly toasted bread and a small amount of mayo.
- After Winkie escaped (accidentally) from the pet store, on Mother's Day last year, the owner dialed 911. When the operator asked what the emergency was, the owner responded, "I need to file a missing person's report!" 9 cop cars rushed to Pet City and after 3 hours, Winkie was captured.
- Winkie had a brother that accompanied him at Pet City, but he died last year.
- Winkie is famous. He used to be in a few movies in Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Winkie is set free in the store towards the end of the day (about 1/2 hour before closing). We got to experience him roaming the store.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
2008 Annual 4th of July Beach Trip "Gone Bad"
Usually, one complains about a particular family member or the weather ruining their vacation, but not in my case. This time around it was a gastro-intestional virus that plagued our 8 bedroom, 9 bathroom beach house.
Darren and I arrived on Friday, June 27th. Things started off great, like they usually do. And then the "fun", not really, began. My mother-in-law came down with, what we now know to be, a really bad virus on Saturday. She even had to go to a local urgent care facility to get pricked and probed and diagnosed. On Sunday, Tyson got it. On Monday, Darren, Whitney and my mom got it. And on Tuesday, three other family members received it. From then on, it was a downward spiral. Out of 15 vacationers, 11 (to date) have contracted the virus. Many viruses last about 24 hours, but not this one. Tyson is still sick (6 days later) and as a matter of fact, I spent 4th of July cleaning up puke ALL OVER MY 4 Runner. Oh the joys of motherhood.
It's so true when you hear, "be careful what you wish for!" I have longed for solitude for months now. Well, when I finally had the opportunity to be alone, because everyone was bed ridden, I realized those family members and friends who can drive you the MOST crazy at times, really are the ones you miss the most when you are alone. You'd think I'd be grateful to be one of the few healthy people standing and don't get me wrong, I am, but it was so boring, not to mention lonely. There was no one to eat those fattening foods with and no one to talk to on the beach. As a matter of fact, almost everyone, on this trip, lost a minimum of 3-8 pounds on this trip, while I gained about 5. HA HA....
So.... How did this trip change my life? I'll tell you. Most anyone who knows me, knows I am overly clean. However, I never considered myself even remotely close to being a germaphobic person aka mysophobic. I used to laugh at certain people in my life who washed their hands every time they used the bathroom. I even have one close friend who brings her own towels and sheets from home when she travels (never mind the fact that she Clorox wipes everything before "living" at her rented "home"). Now, I have gone from clean to CLEANER! I walked around the house with clorox wipes the rest of the week, I bleached my bathroom from top to bottom, I refused to eat or drink after anyone, and even worse, when we returned home I put all of Ty's toys in the dishwasher, machine washed my flip flips and pillows, and I even went as far as trashing ANY food that we brought with us.
Thankfully so, I am still standing and healthy. I've read the virus can live inside of me for a few days before it shows up, so let's hope that I remain healthy and don't contract the virus. I would be shocked after sleeping in the same bed as Darren and Ty (one morning waking up to TY's diarrhea all over the bed) and cleaning up puke, if I don't get it.
Overall, I am sure from the pics, you can see we made the MOST of our trip. It's ashame that this is the way we had to spend our vacation. We all have come to the conclusion that it was the HOUSE that caused all of this chaos. We plan on contacting the new residents, this week, to see if they got sick. If so, we hope that we can get our money back for all the hardships.
We are most thankful to be home in a clean environment. There's no place like home!
Ty and Daddy sick as a dog!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Ty Gets His First Skate Board.
Ty was beyond thrilled to recieve this skateboard. Can you tell?
Ty really gets into skate boarding~ take a peak at the video clip above.