Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Little "Stinker" Has an Explosion!

I write this post in brown because that's the color that I dealt with on Monday of last week. Let me set the tone for you AND this is a hilarious story, so if it seems long, it's well worth it.

On Mondays, I attend a woman's Bible study at my Church. Tyson goes to the child watch. Becca, another mother who also attends, invited us all over to her house afterwards to have lunch and to let the children play.

After lunch, she sent the kiddies upstairs (keeping in mind there were approximately (5) 3 year olds and (1) 2 year old. After about 45 minutes or so, I started thinking to myself, "I wonder if the kids are okay! They either have fabulous toys or they are up to no good!" Being none of the other mommies seemed concerned, I let it be. I let another 15 minutes go by and still no PEEP out of their mouths. As I got ready to say, "I'm going to go check on the kids", a small voice from Sydney (the 3 year old who lives at the house) yells out, "Uh-oh mommy, come see what Tyson did. He pooped in the bathtub!" For the love of Pete, of all the children up there, why did my son have to be the cause of the silence being broken. And did she say, "Tyson pooped in the bathtub"?

Mortified (this was my first time to Becca's home and boy is it a gorgeous one), I bolted upstairs. I found Tyson laying, fully clothed on the bedroom floor with his arm over his eyes. I believe he was either embarrassed or afraid he was going to get in trouble. I bent down and said, "Ty-ty what's wrong?" He refused to speak. I picked him up, brought him to the bathroom and got down at his level. I said, "Honey, you are not in trouble, but you have to tell me what happened!" It was then that I realized, no he doesn't. The SMELL speaks for itself. I fearfully got up, opened the shower curtain, and found the culprit for the stench. Here's where the story gets FUNNY, YET STINKY.

What did I see, you ask? Well, I saw poop smeared all over the bathtub and it's walls. Then, I looked a little further and noticed a perfectly white, nautical-themed towel containing the "log" or broken log (of poop that is and this explains the smeared poop). And finally, at a small glance, I notice in the corner of the tub, was a pair of saturated, white girl panties. Needless to say, the mess was cleaned immediately. Becca was so lax. I think this would have thrown me over the deep end. Especially after seeing my hand towel destroyed.

On the way home, I said to Ty, "So tell mommy what happened." He said in his sweet little voice, "Well, I had to go poopie, but Piper had to go pee pee. So since Piper was on the toilet, I didn't have anywhere to go poopie. I got into the bathtub and pooped in there." I said, "Well why did you use the towel to wipe your hiney? Was it because there was no toilet paper left?" (There really wasn't). He exclaims, "No. Sydney saw the poopie and didn't like it in there, so she tried to clean it up!"

Lesson to be learned - Don't leave (5) 3 year olds alone for too long. It's sweet that all of them tried to help clean up and figure the situation out for themselves, but it was definitely something they shouldn't have been touching.

On the way out of Becca's house, Judie (another mommy) said, "Can I have a wipe? Nicholas has poop on the back of his sock!" I can laugh about this story now, but at the time, I thought I would die. Just another story for the wedding day! :)


Hokie Girl said...

Well, that's a doozie!!! I know Becca and the kids! How funny is that. She would never care of such a thing.....I wish I was more laid back sometimes, but I'm with you, I would have been mortified! I guess, when you gotta go, you gotta go. =)

Tara? said...

Great story!!!!! I had a similar situation the other day with Jesse I'll explain it in the email I'm sending out.

Unknown said...

I finally took the time to figure out how to get into your Blog... love it - you are SO creative AND techno - two qualities I would love to have... The "poopie" story made me LOL! Wait until you have 2 more to write about - they'll really keep me in stitches.