Monday, January 11, 2010

Like Father, Like Son!

For Christmas, two of the gifts I bought for Darren were a blue-ray dvd player as well as the blue-ray movie Napoleon Dynamite. If you've never seen the movie before, but love plain dumb comedy, it's a must see movie. Everytime I watch it, it's like a train wreck. I just can't take my eyes off the tv. Ty has taken a real liking to it too, but the sad part is that he doesn't get the dumb comedy. I think it's almost like a drama to him.

Anyway, last night, while I was unpacking from our weekend trip to my brother's, Darren yelled, "Momma, come here!" You will never believe what surprise Ty and Darren had for me. I almost peed my pants.


ldolloph said...


Tara? said...

This is too funny!!!!! Love it... what a great dad!!!!

Suzanne P said...

I agree, a great must-see movie! Hang on to that clip...Ty will want to share with his kids one day.

Samantha said...

It's more than a little scary that Darren knows the dance by heart! But, very cute video and I love that movie!