Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cousins, Nieces, Nephews, & Aunt Salene Get Their Groove On

Don't ask for an explanation of the title. It will just confuse you :) Our family tree is crazy!!! But, as crazy as it is, I have to admit, it's pretty exciting, fun, and definitely nice that everyone has a child(ren) of their own. We all understand cranky kids, not being prompt, going to bed early, getting up early, and making sure there's always a pot of coffee brewing!!!! We are all living the same exact life in regards to having children. It's fun witnessing our children play together, bath together, eat together, laugh together and cry together. Enjoy a clip of the kiddies dancing in Will's room as we prepare to pack our bags and say our goodbyes until the next time we get together.

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