Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A beautiful pot of flowers? Or maybe NOT!

Yesterday, Tyson said, "Hey mom, can we get out that book of recipes and bake something?" It was a great idea, but unfortunately, being we're mostly health concious people, I don't carry boxes of cake mixes or brown sugar in the house. Needless to say, I was short of at least one ingredient for every recipe he wanted to try and bake. We came up with a plan though. And in honor of Grandnee's 61st birthday, we decided to "bake" this for her.

A beautiful pot of flowers? Or maybe not! Maybe both flowers and dessert.

Enjoy the pictures of a plant pot filled with vanilla pudding and layered with chocloate cookie crumbs to replicate the "dirt". We went to Hallmark today and I got tickled when I cam across the tiny little garden shovel which reads, "Special Grandma". What a perfect touch. And how appropriate for the dessert and the celebration.

Hey wait a second, is that a worm I see? This was the perfect thing to bake with a little boy. Ty got a chuckle and kept whispering to me (even though we were the only two people in the room), "Hey mom! Grandnee's going to think it's real. She's not going to know to eat it. Isn't that hilarious?" Yes, he actually uses that word. Too cute!!!!

Need the recipe? Just let me know. A box of pudding 69 cents, cookies $1.99, plant pot $1.00, flowers $1.00, garden shovel on sale for $1.49. Gummy worms $1.00. You could make this beautiful and delicious $7.00 or even less if you buy everything at the dollar store or better yet if you already have the ingredients at home in your cubbard. The taste and the way it makes grandma feel so special... PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Grandnee! Be careful not to eat the worm. We hope it cheers your day and helps you to feel better too!!!!

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