Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tabletop Tuesday

Ah.... this is when I need my family blog up and running, because this post has NOTHING really to do with Tyson. I promise it's a working progress... JUST SLOWLY. Anyhow, I chose to post these pics on Tyson's blog because I bribed him, to help me undecorate from Christmas, with CANDY if he did a good job. I just could NOT take another moment of the Christmas decorations up. After all, they have been up since November 2nd. Could you have?

It's customary to undecorate by bringing ALL OF OUR decorations to ONE central location and then to pack them up, until next year, in the rubbermaid bins, in that ONE ROOM. I could tell Ty sensed a feeling of importance. Why? Because I even utilized Lilah and Jaxon's sets of hands to help. I would hand unbreakable items to them and say, "Go give this to big brother." They really followed directions and he just thought he was the man in charge. I am not THRILLED with the way the items are piled onto the dining room table, but at least it's done and ready to be put away. Some help is better than the wrong help.... well, sometimes.

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