Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chris Tomlin Countdown

Tomorrow, Darren, Tyson, and I are joining (7) families from our church to attend a Chris Tomlin concert. I am really looking forward to this time with our family in Christ, but I am especially looking forward to this time with Darren & Tyson. In our house, we are big fans of Chris Tomlin. Our favorite song is "Your Grace Is Enough!" From what I hear, the concert will be a great time of fellowship by worshiping and praising our glorious God. For weeks and weeks, my only fear about Tyson going to the concert was that when I purchased these tickets, I purchased them before Tyson started kindergarten. We forgot that we would be out late and that Tyson would have school the next day. Wouldn't you know, just last week, I was informed that the day after the concert is a scheduled day off for teacher's work day? GOD IS SO GOOD! Now he can have fun and sleep in the next day.

If you've never heard of Chris Tomlin, I uploaded some of his songs to my blog. Listen carefully to the lyrics. They are spine chilling.

For those of you joining Darren, Tyson, and I, we are heading to dinner at 5:00 pm. We plan to eat at Rancho Viejo. If you care to join us, let me know. The Harris' have already decided to join us.

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