Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Children Cause You To Be Humbled.

Prior to having children, I thought I was pretty well presented. After all, I only had to worry about getting myself ready in the morning. I enjoyed a leisurely stroll in the mall, at Target, and I didn't even mind a bargain shopping day at TJ Maxx. I was interested in the latest fads and keeping up with the trends. Sadly, Darren's paycheck paid all the bills and my paycheck went to whatever I wanted, whatever the house needed, and wherever we wanted to go. Weekly manicures were a must and monthly pedicures were a definite. Life was ALL about me. Praise God he has changed my outlook on life. Shopping is certainly still fun for me, but it's NOT my priority in life. It's ALL ABOUT GOD'S GLORY.

Now, life is drastically different. If I even get to go shopping anymore, 9.5 times out of 10 I find myself in the stores only fitted for children. I'd much rather my children look adorable and coordinating than I would myself.

I haven't completely given up. I still shower :) I still shave my legs :) I still apply make-up :) and I still iron my clothing :), I just don't have the desire to worry about whether or not have I UGG boots on or if they are the imitation ones. It's just not important to me anymore.

Today, I ran out to run an errand and left my sunglasses home. I wanted to wash my car, so off I went. The sun was killing my eyes, so I decided to reach into my console and put Ty's sunglasses on. As I pulled up to the car wash, I completely forgot I had his sunglasses on. I guess the guy who assisted me at the car wash was probably thinking either 1. "What the heck is she wearing." or 2. "I guess those sunglasses are the new style." UGH.... children cause you to be humbled and forgetful.


ldolloph said...

Or maybe he thought 'She must be a mom...good for her for not caring!'

The Harris Family said...

oh man i wish i would have been there for that one!!!! :):)