Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Be Careful What You Ask Your Kids!

Everyday I look for ways to make conversation with Tyson about his school day. It's pretty much the same conversation every day with a tad bit of deviation. One day last week, I said, "Hey Ty, did you have music class today?" He said, "No, we had gym." I said, "OH. I wonder what Mrs. Barrett does when you are in gym class." He replied, "I know. She drinks beer." I almost died laughing. HOW random and hilarious. I mean, it's not like this house contains beer, so how does he really even know what that is. My reply was, "Ty, Mrs. Barrett doesn't drink beer in school." He said, "Yes should does, I saw her." I really wasn't expecting this type of reply. I guess I should be careful what I ask him from now on.

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