Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Visit From Captain Jack Sparrow.

As time is approaching rapidly, our household is getting prepared for Tyson's 5th birthday party. Tyson's attire is all picked out. He's so excited. The other day however, he said, "Mommy, I need a sword to go with my party outfit." I replied, "You're right, you do. Every pirate needs a sword." I kind of left it alone and then a light bulb went off in my head. I bought Ty a pirate sword as part of his birthday present, but I thought of a better way to present it to him. I'm BIG on allowing Tyson to use his imagination. It's tough to decipher when you are offering too much towards the imaginative story line that is taking place verses when you are considered to be lying to your child. As a Christian, it's difficult, to me, to do anything without second guessing myself, but when it comes to your children I'm even more critical. Anyway, the other night, I grabbed the sword and displayed it on the living room chair after we tucked him in. The next morning, when Ty woke up, I said, "Ty, there is something downstairs waiting on you." He rushed down stairs to find a pirate sword and a personal note from Captain Jack Sparrow. The note read:
"Ahoy There Tyson"

"Me lookin forward to meetin you at yer 5th birthday party!
Yer mommy said ye be dressin up as a pirate!
Every pirate needs a sword ye know?
So, me snuck in yer house last night to leave ye one.
This sword is one of me favorites, so don't break it.
And be sure to keep it away from yer brother and sister.
I give ye mommy and daddy permission to take it away
If ye cannot be respectful with it."

See Ya Real Soon!
Jack Sparrow

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