Sunday, May 2, 2010

Tyson Attends His Kindergarten Orientation!

Last Wednesday, Tyson was invited to attend Kindergarten orientation. It's so hard to believe all of this is really happening. Tyson was so thrilled. He thinks he's Mr. Big Shot strolling into "Kindergarten!" We were greeted by the PTA president and then lead into an actual kindergarten classroom that was physically going on. Each existing kindergartner was asked to introduce themselves and tell one thing that they like to do. One girls stated, My name is... and I like to tell my mom to clean my room. A little boy said, My name is... and I like to break things. Another little boy said, My name is... and I like to lift weights. Oh how funny. When it was time for Tyson to introduce himself, he said, "Hi. My name is Tyson and I like to play WII.

Tyson and I were able to witness what a typical day in the life of a kindergartner would be like. Mrs. Barrett read the class a book and had them do an art project related to the story. Next up, lunch time. Oh yes... we actually ate in the cafeteria and we actually ate cafeteria food. What a royal treat!!! Can you sense the sarcasm in that?

Enjoy the photos of our almost kindergartner. My how time has flown by.

1 comment:

The Harris Family said...

He is sooo stinkin cute! :) What a great idea about the Captain Jack Sparrow, your so creative :)