On Sunday, I took the kids to the park. On the walk home, Ty decided to pick some flowers. He proceeded to tell me that he wanted to give them to Cami. She is our pastor's ONLY daughter of 5 kids. Oh BOY! He sure does have his work cut out for him. How will he ever WIN her love while trying to fight off 4 brothers and a VERY strict daddy? I guess now is the best time to start. And flowers are a great place to start. After all, what girl doesn't enjoy fresh cut flowers hand picked from her man! We can always train Ty to fit Nick's standards. :) He also colored her 3 pictures. On Monday, after I brought the flowers to Bible study so her mommy could bring them to her, he came home from school, waited a few hours and said, "Do you think Cami is off the bus yet? Do you think she liked my flowers?" Too Sweet.
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The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anaïs Nin
“Don't wait to make your son a great man - make him a great boy”
Learned everything from his Dad.
i love it!
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