Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Material World!

This post is NOT a post about Madonna's song, "Material Girl". Okay, well maybe in a sense it is. Darren and I are trying really hard to instill good values into Ty's life, but sometimes, a four year old can be the most selfish thing in the world. Well, let's say 99% of the day.

Lately, since one of Ty's daily chores consists of getting the mail, he is well acquainted with the abundance of "kids catalogs" (as he likes to call them) that we receive daily. He runs to the mailbox looking for either a package from Gram, as she sends him little trinkets in the mail weekly, or kids catalogs. If he doesn't receive a package from Gram, those catalogs are the next best thing to him AND honestly, for me too! Let me explain:

If a kids catalog comes in the mail, Ty runs indoors, grabs a pen and a pair of scissors. He immediately begins to circle and cut everything out of the catalog that he wants for Christmas. It takes a good 45 minutes for him to go through an entire catalog and cut everything out, which helps me during that stressful time in my day when the babies have to be fed (both bottles and baby food) and I have dinner on the stove/in the oven.

I've tried to explain to Ty that he has WAY too much stuff picked out and that if he's greedy, Santa will bring him nothing. I'm not sure he gets that as you can see from the picture above.

"God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Very cute, though! We got the Elf on the Shelf this year and will be breaking it out soon.