Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Never, Say "Never!!!"

Often times, I wonder if I have let go of so many things I said I would never let my child do (when I was pregnant). I decided a while back, that as long as "it's" in moderation, I wanted Tyson to be able to enjoy the little things in life that every kid should get to experience. This world is an amazing creation of God's works, but it is also filled with so much stress, so many challenges, and unfortunate destruction at times. I feel it is my duty to make Tyson's childhood, if nothing else, enjoyable and stressfree. So you may be wondering, what is it that she let's her son do, IN MODERATION OF COURSE, that was once thought of as an absolute "no-no"? I'll tell you.

The biggest subject I battle, with myself, is television. I definitely do NOT plop Ty in front of the television all day long, but I do allow him 2 (1/2 hours) shows in the early a.m., while I take care of my morning responsibilities, and then 1 (1/2 hour) show at lunch, and often times, 1 (1/2 hour) show at night, before bed. Tyson's days are filled with all sorts of activities (ie. School on Tuesdays and Thursdays, "Wee Read" and Melody Makers, and major playtime after dinner with daddy/mommy! etc.), which helps him grow both intellectually and physically. I guess I look at television as a time to let his little brain "rest". Afterall, he's got the rest of his life to succumb to all of life's intense demands. I cannot deny that by letting Ty watch television, it provides me with an opportunity for some well-deserved "me time". I have a few friends who are still holding out on letting their child(ren) watch tv, but I constantly remind myself that I am not them, I am me, and that comparing is unhealthy.

On top of television, I have allowed Tyson to indulge in some sugary items that I never imagined letting him have before. These items include juice, ice cream, cotton candy, regular candy, and cookies. One thing I am really adimate about not allowing him to have is soda or tea and so far I have been successful with that "no-no". Ty's never tasted either beverage. I'm sure it is only a matter of time, but I feel he is too young for caffeine, even more than the sugar. In our household, our pantry and refrigerator are filled with products made with splenda more than anything else. At times, I hear people voice their concern about giving their children artificial substances, but according to my doctor and my health concious brother, splenda is a natural form of sugar, so I feel comfortable giving that to TY. Juice is only given to Ty diluted, unless in a juice box and only about 3 times a week. Candy, cookies, and ice cream are very limited and usually given to Ty on the weekneds or at special events such as a birthday party. Any sweets offered to him in our home, 95% of the time, are sugar-free, fat-free, AND low carb simply because that's the way Darren and I eat. So I try not to fret a 3-day-a-week splurge.

So, am I a horrible parent for letting my child enjoy cotton candy at a special event such as Sesame Street Live or an ice cream cone at Maggie Moos on the weekend? I don't think so, mostly because again it's only in moderation. My mother always used to tell me, "Never, say never!" I never fully appreciated that widely used phrase of hers until NOW. You'll wind up eating your words if you say "NEVER!" Trust me. Bottom line, I cannot worry about what others are doing or what research says. If it works for my household, I feel that's all that really matters. AND.... if my BIGGEST fault, as a parent, is letting my child watch television or eat some sugary foods once in a while, then I feel I am doing a pretty good job.

This picture was taken at Maggie Moos ice cream parlor last weekend. He was enjoying a cup of their electric blue, cotton candy ice cream. Personally, I don't recommend it ONLY because it turned his poop the same color as his tongue, for days! And I'm not lying or exaggerating. I think that's a sign of way TOO MUCH FOOD COLORING.


Anonymous said...

Colin doesn't like sweet stuff or soda. But, like you, I feel that anything in moderation is okay. I kind of wish he DID like ice cream so we could have some mommy-son time going to Bruster's but, such is life...Hayley, on the other hand??? We have to hide our sodas, candy and such because she will simply beg for them...

Anonymous said...

Let a kid be a kid.