If you know me WELL enough, you know how much I loath the mere thought of football season. I truly wish I could find a way to become interested in the sport and enjoy spending time with my husband as he enjoys his love for it. I'm just not that type of wife that gets all decked out in her husband's favorite football team attire or better, plans a football pre-party for her husband and his friends. Darren has no hesitation to remind me of some of you wives who are like that. I always say, "Well maybe you should have married them!" LOL!
Darren's MUCH better now than he ever was when it comes to football and all that it entails, but I still find myself getting internally angry or hurt every time he's watching a football game. I guess it's because I've never see men give so much uninterrupted attention to something so pointless. If you want to know who won the game, you can eliminate 4 hours of sitting in front of the television, and just check the score when the game is over. Yea right! Try telling that one to a man who has a favorite team. Am I the ONLY wife who feels this way? Please, enlighten me.

ANYWAY, Tyson has been displaying his love for the sport now. He's so smart. I'm not just saying this because I am his mom. His level of intelligence and his ability to retain information is amazing. Darren and Tyson have had a few football discussions on the rules and how the game is played, while watching a game, but nothing overly substantial. It's incredible how much him and his daddy can converse about a game on tv. For some reason, it gives me great joy hearing it out of his mouth. Maybe ultimately, I like it because I know it's exactly what Darren envisioned the day he learned he was having a little boy and I'm excited for him. Does that help change your opinion of me being a non-supportive wife?
With two sons, I'm just going to have to accept the fact that football is inevitable in this house. I do look forward to watching TY play football soon on the pee wee team.
Enjoy a photo of a drawing Tyson made at school. It's all about FOOTBALL. And, then, the other picture is of Darren and Tyson standing in front of the tv, watching a basketball game and discussing it. I'm so glad I have a little girl to go get a manicure or pedicure with one day. :)
Thats my boy!!!!
Oh my! I have racing to worry about! Ughhh. Well Cohen will probably be in the worlds strongest men competition one day. I can't wait til we can sit together and watch Jax and Cohen play pee wee sports while Lilah is cheerleading on the sidelines! :)
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