Saturday, December 5, 2009

52 Christmas Activities

For those of you who will be home with your children during the Christmas break, I have a "must buy" for you! It's called 52 Christmas Activities: By, Lynn Gordon. The pictures below pretty much self-explain what this is all about, but I will at least tell you that I purchased them from I believe they were $6.95 for the stack of 52 cards. I didn't really pay for shipping because I ordered some Christmas items at the same time I placed this order. I knew about this author because I had once received (and still own for anyone who is interested in looking at them) 52 Alternatives to Watching TV and 52 Ideas to Do With Your Toddler. Let's face it, especially for the stay-at-home-moms, our days can be quite a humdrum. So, I do my best to spruce it up a bit. There's only so much hide-and-go-seek and match box cars you can play :) Below is an example of 1 of the 52 cards included in the box.

Let me know if you join in on the fun!


Samantha said...

Very cute!

Sarah said...

this is awesome! I wish I were a stay-at-home mommy. I wonder if Ryan will ever do the cute mommy stuff you do...i hope so.