Monday, November 26, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see!"

As Christmas nears, Darren and I have been preparing Ty for what's to come. I believe this Christmas is going to be the best Christmas, so far, with Ty. I am sure I will say that every year. I find it fascinating how a child appreciates the smallest things in life. It's so sad that this busy world doesn't allow grownups to be the same way. As you all now know, we have moved into our new home. Our view, from our backyard, is magnificent. We have a gorgeous view of the Blue Ridge mountains. One evening, Ty noticed a red blinking light atop the mountains. Out of no where, I decided to tell him that it was Rudolph's nose. He asked, "Why?" and I said, "Well, he lives up there with Santa. It's called the North Pole!" Of course, he responded with another, "WHY?" I told him, "At night, Rudolph is busy helping Santa's elves make all the toys for Santa to deliver on Christmas Eve." He sat there in amazement. The next day, we set up our Christmas tree and I began to explain to him, for the first time, how Santa delivers the gifts. I told him about how Santa comes down the chimney and delivers the presents etc. etc. etc. You could see the wheels turning in his head. He was just so astonished, truly he was. Now, every night, he runs to the window after dark and says, "NOOK Momma, Rudolph's nose!" And he proceeds to tell me the entire story that I told him. Kids are like GIANT sponges. They really are. There imagination is so incredible. Just like my title to this post, it's not the red light blinking that matters (what you look at), it's the made up story of Rudolph (what you see) that does! Did I tell a small fib? Maybe, but in my opinion, imagination is just intelligence having fun.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
"On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!!!!!!!"
Here is the true testimony to how much fun Ty really had in the foam pit. He did learn a few gymnastics techniques, but most of his free time was spent in the pit. Ty had such a blast, that when we left, he was begging to stay.
Monday, November 19, 2007
A Visit to the Roanoke Academy of Gymnastics
Tyson had a very eventful FRIDAY. We started out at the YMCA for a mom & tot class. Afterwards, we headed over to the Roanoke Academy of Gymnastics where Ty enjoyed a "trial" class with all of his favorite friends. I believe my son is a natural born gymnist :) Ty took a small break to learn some gymnastic techniques, but Ty spent most of his time in the foam pit. After Darren saw the pictures, he said, "If I go with Ty, will they let me jump in that too?" I'm not sure who's the kid: daddy or Ty.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A Trip to the Grocery Store

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A Christmas Purchase Worth Sharing!

Just thought I would make a quick "post" and share with all of you friends and family members, who are sneakily trying to bring me closer to God, that today I bought Tyson his VERY first Bible. I am so exciting to share the word of God with him and relearn the stories of the bible too. I will not give this bible to him until Christmas Day, but what a great gift that will be to not only him but to Jesus as well. We can celebrate Jesus' birthday by reading a bible story on Christmas Day! If any of you have seen this bible before and have any positive things to say about it, please share them. If you have other great book suggestions, I would love to hear from you. I hope I made a good choice.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town...
To some, it might be a bit early to be thinking about Christmas, but the mall begins to decorate and "celebrate" even before Halloween arrives. This past Friday, we took Ty to the mall to enjoy the festivities. He couldn't wait for Santa's arrival. Santa arrived on a horse drawn carriage. The mall management also provided "snow" for all the kids to enjoy outdoors. Afterwards, we went inside to sit on Santa's lap. We are starting early to get our practice. Our plan is for Ty to give Santa his "binkie" in exchange for "two train sets!" I'm sure it will be a rough few days without it, but it's time. After we rid of binkie, our next step is a big boy bed. WOW... he is growing up before our very own eyes.

Ty's First Virginia Tech Game
Tyson finally got to go to his very FIRST Virginia Tech football game vs. Florida State. He was so intrigued by all the fans, the huge stadium, and of course the Hokie Bird. He made sure he showed off his knowledge of the words to the Virginia Tech chant by shouting it allowed. Mommy let him live it up by enjoying some yummy pizza, stadium popcorn and cotton candy (ugh!). He is already asking to go back to another game. Tyson is a BIG Virginia Tech fan but is a bigger fan of his grandparents which he got to spend some good quality time with at the game. GO HOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Final score- VA Tech: 40, Florida State: 21 I believe Tyson brought the Hokies some GOOD LUCK!
Ty and Grandad in a huddle.
"Go Hokies!"
Daddy and Ty in their Hokie gear.
"Go Tech, Go!"
Ty couldn't get enough of Grandad.

Kids Say the "Darndest" Things!
Today I had the joy of spending a quiet morning alone with Ty. We played puzzles, a few computer games, and then headed upstairs to get ready for our trip to the grocery store. I asked him to play in his room for a little bit, so I could fold some laundry before leaving. I turned on some Christmas music for him, provided him with a yummy snack and drink. I headed to the laundry room for a few moments (the next room closest to his) to fold a load or two. After a few moments, I said, "Ty, you are being such a good boy today!" He replied in his sweet little voice, "I not hit anyone!" I chuckled to myself thinking, of course you haven't, there is no one in your room to hit (other than Ninja). After that thought crossed my mind he followed his reply with a comment saying, "No one here!" He took the words right out of my mouth. I guess you just had to be there.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
"I'm a BIG BOY now!"

On October 21st, Mommy decided it was time to throw away all of Ty's diapers. So off she went, to Wal-mart, to pick up some cute "BIG BOY" underware. Ty caught on rather quickly and has been sporting the cute tighty whities ever since. To those of you who are resistant to change or afraid to take that leap, JUST DO IT! I'm not going to lie, it definitely is a bit trying at times (ie. public restrooms), but it's well worth it. Ty, we love you and we are so proud of your newest and biggest accomplishment. Congratulations!!!!!
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