Sunday, March 15, 2009

Saying Goodbye....

The title, “Saying Goodbye” may be a bit extreme to someone reading this post, but it’s truly the only title that made sense to me. Having these twins is such a blessing, but lately as time nears, I’ve felt a small amount of sadness. Motherhood is totally challenging at times and I know more often than not I seem to complain about the difficulties of being a mother, but at the end of the day, I do really love being a parent/mother.

So why did I choose “saying goodbye” as the title of this post? Well, I just cannot imagine loving another child or dedicating my time, love, and energy to another child the way I have with Tyson. I’m sure my love to these twins will be almost instantaneous and this “sadness” will disappear as soon as I lay eyes on them, but I am trying to savor the next 9 days LEFT as a mother of a singleton.

On Saturday, Ty and I snuggled on the couch together and passed out in each other’s arms. Darren was able to capture it! Thanks honey!!!! It probably won’t be an option for Ty and I to have these moments for much longer, so I’m thankful for this picture. It will be a wonderful memory for years to come.


Samantha said...

Love the photo! Call me and we can talk about how feelings are when the second (or second and third in your case) child comes.

ldolloph said...


The Warren World said... the title! It makes me cry for what you are feeling but also for what is to come. You can't imagine how you could love another until they come and then you could not imagine how you would have lived without them. I'll pray for Jax's fluid to rise so that you can stay on schedule! Much love! Hope to see you tomorrow at Preschool. Sara

Unknown said...

You are such a beautiful person. I read your blog about saying goodbye & it made me cry. God Bless You! Love is never ending & you will be amazed at how much more you have to give. I'm blessed to know you & I'm always here for you, even when you just want to cry ... I'm here. I know you will be the best mommy in the world. God knows it, too! That's why he blessed you with TWO more. He needed you for them! PROVERBS 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn away from it.