Monday, February 9, 2009

What next?????

Ahh... where do I begin? This post is a little bit on the "vulgar" side, well as vulgar as it can get with a 3 year old boy, but it's a "must be documented" situation, for sure. If you don't have a little boy or are uncomfortable with reading a post regarding a "private" situation, this would be a good post to not read. However, if you can handle some clean/dirty comedy and need a good laugh, it's a MUST read. I just know my son will DIE when he is 18 years old and looks back on this and hears how many people I shared this story with.

This morning Ty took a shower with his daddy. When he got out of the shower, he proceeded to dry himself off. After drying himself off, he was, "playing with himself". I tried not to pay attention to it because I figured if I did, it would get worse. So, after a few moments, he says, "Hey mom, you know what I'm doing?" I thought, oh my goodness, how do I respond to that and what is his reply going to be. So, I said, "No, honey, I don't! What are you doing?" He said, "I'm playing pool!" He literally was playing with himself, but not the type of playing I thought. He was having a POOL TOURNAMENT with his jewels. I won't go into a full blown description of exactly what he was doing, but picture the pointer finger as the "pool stick" and the rest should be self-explanatory.

I have to admit, Darren and I could HARDLY contain ourselves. We just busted out laughing. Children so innocently say and do all of those things that adults would say and do if it was socially acceptable. :) TOO FUNNY!


Tara? said...

That is hilarious!! Kids do say the best things and will keep you laughing!!

Samantha said...

Too funny! I love the things they say.