- After Ty pooped one day, I said, "Woah, how does all that poopie come out of such a little body?" As serious as he could be, he replied, "It comes from the poopie machine in my belly!"
- On a recent drive home, I said, "Ty, where does daddy work?" He replied, "Bolling Steel!" I said, "Why does he work there?" And he responded, "He works there cause he has to make lots of money so we can go to the beach a lot of times!"
- One Wednesday night, I yelled down to the basement, "Come on Ty, it's time to go to Church!" As grown up as could be he says, "Okay Mom! See ya later dad. Sorry, I have to go!" You had to be there for this one. It was hilarious and sad all at the same time because he sounded so grown up.
- I have been teaching Ty about upper case and lower case letters. Tonight, I tested his knowledge and said, "Hey Ty, what is a BIG letter called?" He said, "Upper Case!" I was so proud. Then I said, "What is a small letter called?" He said, "A downer case!" (As he pointed to the ground. TOO FUNNY!! Makes sense, right?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Unintentional HUMOR!
As the summer comes to an end, I thought I would close with a few hilarious excerpts from Ty. Ever watch the show, "Kids say the darndest things!" He would have been a BIG hit on that show after reciting these statements.
Summer Blast!
A few weekends ago, Darren and I took Ty to a "summer blast" at the Greenhill Park. Despite the hot weather, I think Ty had a good time there. He was able to check out all of the important utility vehicles, rescue squad vehicles, and so much more. Take a peak at him on the tractor. And then, watch Darren and Ty as they drive a real garbage truck. Ty fully enjoyed getting in it. I just pray that Ty never wants to be a sanitation worker though :)
"YEEHAW!" I am sure you northerners are just laughing your butts off right now. There is a lot more to do in Roanoke than to ride a tractor and a garbage truck. I PROMISE.

Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely. ~Auguste Rodin
"YEEHAW!" I am sure you northerners are just laughing your butts off right now. There is a lot more to do in Roanoke than to ride a tractor and a garbage truck. I PROMISE.
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely. ~Auguste Rodin
This is a stinky job, but someone's got to do it!
West Salem Baptist Church Picnic
Cannon lives in an area with lots of land. On the way home, Ty and I spotted this Deer eating whole apples in someone's front yard. We just thought it was so cool. It's antlers were fuzzy and he was not scared to see us stop and stare.
Passing the time on a LONG car ride to Pennsylvania.
Baltimore Hip Hop Dancers Dance on the Sidewalk
Throughout our visit to Baltimore, we came across a few interesting citizens who tried to make some extra cash or possibly this was the ONLY way they worked to pay their bills. I thought these dancers where quite interesting, to say the least. The next day, Ty attempted to break dance, but wasn't nearly as successful as these guys were! I keep hoping he will be a hip hop dancer, on the side, one day. Uncle Dan, are you up for teaching him the moves?
A Few Cool Clips from Our Baltimore Disaster
Daddy and Ty shoot a few hoops together! I think we have a basketball player on our hands. What do you think?
This was Tyson's FIRST time bowling on a real lane. Well, if you can call ESPN Zone's bowling real. He's quite the athlete. Loves anything to do with sports.
A Few Cool Clips from Our Baltimore Disaster
Daddy and Ty do a little "rowing".
Daddy and Ty play a little soccer!
Daddy and Ty ride a Harley Davidson Motorcycle.
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