Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Few of Ty's Favorite Peeps!

The summer is slowly coming to an end for all and before it does, I just wantd to thank a few significant and FAVORITE men/boys in Ty's life.

Shawn, you have been a true blessing to our family. Tyson really looks up to you like a big brother and a great Christian role model. Darren and I are thankful that you have joyfully cared for him throughout the summer. You allowed the transition of the twins to be a lot less stressful by adding fun times into his summer. Just because the summer's over and you are beginning a new chapter in your life, please don't be a stranger. He will miss you terribly on Tuesdays and Thursdays for sure. You are going to be an incredible dad one day. You sure have gotten plenty of practice with my three children, haven't you?

Jake, although your visits were far and few between, Tyson still talks about those times with you. Your last visit with us was a lot of fun. Who doesn't have fun at Chuck E. Cheese? You taught Ty the true signs of humility by giving him your 780 tickets that you rightfully earned at Chuck E. Cheese. Thank you! It is my prayer that Ty grows up to be just like you one day. You are going to make a great husband, but in the mean time, keep up the great work of being an amazing help to your fantastic mommy.

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