I am BIG on family traditions, especially at Christmas time. My mom always found ways to create and add fun to the holidays. Decorating a gingerbread house was always one of those things that she insisted we do. So... I figured I would continue the tradition and today I invited Tabby and her two boys over for some gingerbread house fun. Word to the wise, never attempt something of this much detail with a multiple of age ranges. You've got some kids eating the candy, some kids throwing the candy, and some kids throwing themselves on the floor while the others are pulling the Christmas Tree ornaments off the trees etc., etc., etc. You get the drift. Pretty darn stressful.
As many of you know my personality, I am beyond neurotic when it comes to my cleaning habbits and the need to keep things OVERLY organized and straight. I'm convinced Tabby is truly trying to break me of my obsessive compulsiveness. As a matter of fact, I think she's paying Jude to do her dirty work. LOL! I am still finding frosting (3 hours later) everywhere, thanks to him. Gotta love those curious little 2 year olds.
Let's just say, those darn gingerbread houses, NEVER, turn out as pretty as the picture looks on the box. It's always harder in real life than it appears from the directions. Tabby and I got a real chuckle out of the fact that her house CRUMBLED to the ground, while mine stayed in tact. She said, "It's just the way I expected this adventure to turn out." Poor James... after seeing his house crumble, he asked, "Who broke my gingerbread house?" And Tabby replied, "I did honey. I am so sorry!" He kindly exclaimed, "That's okay mommy, I still love you anyways!" Very sweet.
I will definitely be keeping this event in mind when Easter rolls around. JUDE, you are not welcomed in my home when we bring out the DYES for the Easter Eggs. LOL! In any event, I always have a fantastic time when spending it with the Sheilor family.
Until next time Tabby...