Monday, June 16, 2008

Do You See What I See?

I just have to share what happened the other day! IT truly was something you wouldn't even believe unless you were there. Let me set the scene... It's was another really hot day! I think it was 100 degrees out. I was trying to maintain energy to play with TY outdoors, but the heat was tackling me to the ground, literally. After about five minutes, I decided to lay on the ground in my driveway. While looking up at the clouds and enjoying the marvelous beauty, TY decided to join me. I said, "Let's look at the clouds in the sky and see if we can find one that looks like some thing!" Never thinking he really could even grasp what I was talking about, we both lied in silence for about 30-60 seconds. It was then that I discovered a cloud that looked like a crab. I figured there was absolutely NO way TY would see it my way, so I decided to think more simplistically... for him. At that moment, all of the sudden, Ty exclaims, "Hey mom, that cloud looks like a crab!" I was absolutely flabbergasted. How on God's creation did Tyson and I created a cloud that appeared to look like a crab out of all the clouds and things on this earth. I SWEAR on the Heavens and Earth, this is a true story. I guess you can say that Tyson and I saw eye to eye that day!

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