Wednesday, November 18, 2009

He's Back!

This is a MUST buy for those of you who LOVE fun, Christmasy traditions. We adopted this tradition last year and re-introduced it to Ty a few days ago after decorating for Christmas. YES, that's right. We are fully decorated for Christmas. He was so excited to get a revisit from "Nicey". I think we forgot his name briefly though and we have been calling him "Elfie!"

We do try to relate the "Elf on the Shelf" to Christ, so that we continue to keep our Savior in the forefront of his mind at all times. We explained to him that the Elf only watches him, to see if he's being good or bad, for a few weeks leading up to Christmas, but that Jesus is always watching him. I don't see the harm in creating some imaginative fun throughout the holidays!

It retails for $29.95 and if you buy it locally you can save at least $5.95 on shipping/handling. If you didn't get to view our pictures last year when we introduced this tradition to Ty, let me know, I will send you the album which has the captions below each picture, detailing what this "Elf on the Shelf" is really all about.