With less than 5 days until Tyson's 3rd birthday, Ty finally got his big boy furniture. We purchased it weeks ago, at Furniture Land South, but it didn't arrive until yesterday. It really helped create a big boy atompshere. We're just waiting on a fun bedspread, some artwork, and curtains, which will complete the look of his room. We had the walls painted green, his favorite, and had our painter put a chocolate brown, horizontal band around the room. It looks really nice, now, with the furniture. We may need Carlene's finishing touches though :)
Ty tested out the big boy bed last night and did great! We didn't even use side rails and he remained on the bed all night long.
Yeah for Tyson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With the "baby" furniture in the other room, Daddy is trying to get me to agree to another. I'm not sure I will ever be able to commit to that :)