It's been my experience, especially lately, that sometimes you just have laugh during those times you'd rather be screaming or pulling your hair out. This blog entry is a GREAT example of what I am talking about. I have a sneaking suspicion that age 3 is going to be even more challenging, demanding, and trying than age 2 was. Despite all of those difficult times, Tyson has really become one of my great companions. He's full of all entertaining conversations, interesting ways of appreciating the world and all the things that live in it, and he has forced me to "let my hair down" and laugh a little. However, that's not to say I still don't flip out or pull my hair out somedays. Man is this the hardest job in the world.
Enjoy the pictures below. Tyson was caught with his pants down, literally. We were outside and he decided to run inside to use the potty. I guess he had to go so bad (it was 7:30 pm and he hadn't gone since 1:00 pm) that he just couldn't make it to the toilet bowl in time. By the time we entered the house to check on him, we realized that he was trying to clean up the mess before we could see it. How funny!
"Laughter is an INSTANT vacation!" ~Milton Berle